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Oops...That's Gonna Leave a Mark!

Many of our customers ask what we do with leftovers or slightly blemished fruit? And, we're proud to share that we make one extra delivery each week to Mary's Place. We can't think of a better way to give back to our community than through healthy food options for families in need.

Here's a quick snapshot of their impact over the past year:

179,900 OVERNIGHT STAYS a safe, warm place to stay the night for moms, dads, and kids in our community

359,800 MEALS SERVED three nutritious meals a day, snacks, and pantry boxes for families newly housed

650 FAMILIES MOVED TO STABLE HOUSING our diversion team placed 126 of these families into housing directly from their cars or tents

1,308 CHILDREN SERVED reducing trauma, providing a safe place with age-appropriate programming in Kids Club, and lots of love

1,460 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROVIDED help with resumes, cover letters, interview skills, and access to computers to fill out job applications

100+ WOMEN WHO VISIT OUR DAY CENTER EACH DAY for meals, showers, dry clothing, hygiene items, resources, and community

For more visit:

This week's deliveries include:

- Sweet and Crisp Red Grapes - Local Rainier Cherries - Steena Dark Red Cherries - Koru Apples - Rainforest Alliance Certified Bananas

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