The Dance of the Minneola Tangelo!
The Minneola Tangelo is what happens when Grapefruits and Tangerines dance together in Florida. Also known as the Honeybell, the Minneola Tangelo is a cross between a Duncan grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine, and was released in 1931 by the USDA Horticultural Research Station in Orlando.
It is named after Minneola, Florida. Most Minneola Tangelos are characterized by a stem-end neck, which tends to make the fruit appear bell-shaped. Usually fairly large, typically 3–3½ inches in diameter. The peel colour, when mature, is a bright-reddish-orange colour. The rind of the Minneola is relatively thin, peel rather easily, and considered very juicy!
This week's delivery includes:
- Minneola Tangelos - Stem-and-Leaf Murcott Mandarins - Autumn Glory Apples - Opal Apples - Large Green Grapes - Rainforest Alliance-Certified Bananas.