Stunning Pristine grapes, snack-size Bartlett pears and Flavorich pluots!
A new variety of late season seedless green grapes, the Pristine is the result of 20 years of methodical cross-breeding by a grower in Central California. The result is an unusually large grape with good shelf life. This fruit has an altogether unique flavor that starts with a hint of vanilla and finishes with a crisp tart-sweetness, reminiscent of green apples!
The Bartlett pears are in peak season and their smaller size makes them an easy-to-eat healthy office snack for one. Even if pears are not your favorite I feel you'll like the sweetness and firm texture of these little cuties. Great sliced onto a cracker with a low-fat cheese.
Flavorich pluots from Tiny's Organics are both firm and sweet. Farmer MacGregor tells me he's got another 20 trees to harvest for next week. Then the pluot season is over until the next year. He's promising some Harimo plums next week. Also including Gala apples and Rainforest Alliance certified bananas. $49 deliveries will see organic Hosui Asian plums, Bartlett pears, Gala apples and bananas.