This Week's Fruit: Mandarins, Pink Ladies, and more!
I'd quit raving about citrus if I could stop walking through the Pike Place Market and finding new temptations. The latest are Murcott mandarins, a cross between a tangerine and a sweet orange, and they're as easy to peel as a Clementine but even juicier/sweeter. Right now they come in multiple sizes and they're all very good. Again we found some Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) apples for this week. Firm, crisp flesh and a unique, tangy-tart, sweet flavor are characteristic of this apple. And they eat well both as a snack and a baking apple, meaning they stay firm out of your oven. Good grapes are in limited supply this week but we found a few cases so you'll see a crisp amount in your order. We also include some firm blueberries and we finish up with green-tip bananas.

Why You Need To Supplement Essential Fatty Acids Many of you know I'm a science geek. Besides being your "fruit guy", I am a trained biologist and a certified permaculture teacher. So I feel comfortable sharing new research about the connection between health and diet and natural foods. This article from GreenMedInfo is a great intro about the important role the right fats have in helping to keep you in optimal health. Please let me know if you have a question about nutrition you'd like me to research and share in my weekly newsletter. Thanks and if you can't have a great week, then have a good one.